Explore Paid Search Marketing with the Experts at Esite LLC

Pay-Per-Click, or PPC, and How to Get Your Business Seen

Esite LLC employs many tools to help our clients make the most of sponsored (or paid) advertising. In particular we focus upon the needs of our clients in terms of business leads and conversion – the actual converting of a contact to a customer.

Here is the minimum you can expect from WSI with yoursponsored adverising campaigns:

  1. PPC (Pay-per-click) is exactly that – your account is charged each time someone visits (clicks through to) your website through one of your Ad Campaigns.
  2. An Ad Campaign is made up of the actual advertisement seen in the Sponsored Ads of a search engines (Google, Bing, Yahoo, and others). This is what someone on the Internet sees after they type in their keyword search – when it appears as the result of a search it is called an Impression.
  3. Positioning is a matter of bidding within each search engine. Your placements / rankings in the list of sponsored ads are the result of your willingness to pay for the spot you want vs. what a search engine charges for that position. Like online auctions, you “win” positions based upon bidding at least $.01 more than your competitor for the same spot.
  4. You can force yourself to the first position for an advertising campaign, but it is often advisable for economy’s or conversion’s sake to set a goal of range positions (top 3, top 5, etc.) as an average per month.
  5. You do not get charged for ANYTHING until someone clicks on one of your Impressions. If someone comes to your website directly or through some link source other than your advertisement, there is no charge related to your PPC budget.
  6. Your PPC budget is charged at the start of a campaign, and is refreshed based upon your selection of one of:
    1. Immediate – replenishes the budget amount as it is used up, regardless of timeframes. This is similar to an EZPass where you never want the account to be empty
    2. Monthly – replenishes the budget amount immediately only after at least 1 month has passed since the last replenishment. This setting will force a daily allocation of budget for your Ads based upon an equal division of the budget amount by days of the month. If it takes longer than a month to complete a budget “spend”, replenishment will occur as soon as the last dollar is spent.
    3. On Demand – not recommended for a campaign that has legs, this is a process by which you would want active control of budgeting based upon review of some special ad campaign tactics; experimental test-marketing and such. The danger here is that your ads disappear from subsequent Impression lists until the budget is reset.
  7. You will receive summary reporting on a monthly or bi-monthly basis (your choice) outlining all of the activity of Internet visitors using your PPC ads as entry to your website.
  8. Your ads can be modified on an ongoing basis to try and control any deficiencies in click-through, call rates, email activity, or web activity. There are no guarantees of what will improve traction for a particular campaign, but we are well versed in those things that can be detrimental and of those things that are indicative of improving trends.
  9. Your keywords are automatically resynchronized in each search engine by our software – the better players (those keywords that are showing increasing traffic and click-throughs) are automatically migrated to higher positions, while those will poor performance are either moved down in positioning or removed from the lists for the campaign.

Contact us for a further information about your website




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